Source code for tbot.machine.linux.util

# tbot, Embedded Automation Tool
# Copyright (C) 2019  Harald Seiler
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import typing
from typing import Any

import tbot.error
from tbot import machine
from tbot.machine import channel, linux

M = typing.TypeVar("M", bound="linux.LinuxShell")

def wait_for_shell(ch: channel.Channel) -> None:
    # Repeatedly sends `echo TBOT''LOGIN\r`.  At some point, the shell
    # interprets this command and prints out `TBOTLOGIN` because of the
    # quotation-marks being removed.  Once we detect this, this function
    # can return, knowing the shell is now running on the other end.
    # Credit to Pavel for this idea!
    timeout = 0.2
    while True:
        ch.sendline("echo TBOT\\LOGIN")
            ch.expect("TBOTLOGIN", timeout=timeout)
        except TimeoutError:
            # Increase the timeout after the first try because the remote might
            # just be a bit slow to get ready.  If we spam it too much, we will
            # actually slow down the shell initialization...
            timeout = 3.0

def posix_fetch_return_code(ch: channel.Channel, mach: M) -> int:
    ch.sendline("echo $?", read_back=True)
    retcode_str = ch.read_until_prompt()
        return int(retcode_str)
    except ValueError:
        raise tbot.error.InvalidRetcodeError(mach, retcode_str) from None

def posix_environment(
    mach: M, var: str, value: "typing.Union[str, linux.Path[M], None]" = None
) -> str:
    if value is not None:
        mach.exec0("export", linux.Raw(f"{mach.escape(var)}={mach.escape(value)}"))
        if isinstance(value, linux.Path):
            return value.at_host(mach)
            return value
        # Escape environment variable name, unless it is one of a few special names
        if var not in ["!", "$"]:
            var = mach.escape(var)
        # Add a space in front of the expanded environment variable to ensure
        # values like `-E` will not get picked up as parameters by echo.  This
        # space is then cut away again so calling tests don't notice this trick.
        return mach.exec0("echo", linux.Raw(f'" ${{{var}}}"'))[1:-1]

def shell_sanity_check(mach: M) -> None:"echo TBOT-SANITY-CHECK", read_back=True)
    output =
    if output != "TBOT-SANITY-CHECK\n":
        raise tbot.error.UncleanShellError(mach)

# Type alias for the command context function/generator.  This function needs
# to be provided by the shell and contains the actual implementation of
# spawning an interactive command (and cleaning up / checking the return code
# once it is done).
# It works as follows:  The implementation defines
# a cmd_context function with the following structure:
#   def cmd_context(
#       proxy_ch: util.RunCommandProxy,
#   ) -> typing.Generator[str, None, typing.Tuple[int, str]]:
#       # Spawn the command (on `proxy_ch`) and setup the channel for interaction.
#       proxy_ch.sendline(cmd + "\n", read_back=True)
#       # Yield the command string
#       yield cmd
#       # Wait for command to complete and return retcode and final output
#       output = proxy_ch.read_until_prompt()
#       proxy_ch.sendline("echo $?\n", read_back=True)
#       retcode = int(proxy_ch.read_until_prompt())
#       return (retcode, output)
# Then, the .run() implementation uses RunCommandProxy._ctx() to create the actual context:
#   yield from RunCommandProxy._ctx(, cmd_context)
CMD_CONTEXT = typing.Callable[
    ["RunCommandProxy"], typing.Generator[str, None, typing.Tuple[int, str]]

[docs]class RunCommandProxy(channel.Channel): """ Proxy for interacting with a running command. A ``RunCommandProxy`` is created with a context-manager and :py:meth:` <>`. **Example**: .. code-block:: python with"gdb", lh.workdir / "a.out") as gdb: gdb.sendline("target remote") gdb.sendline("load") gdb.sendline("mon reset halt") gdb.sendline("quit") gbd.terminate0() A ``RunCommandProxy`` has all methods of a :py:class:`` for interacting with the remote. Additionally, a few more methods exist which are necessary to end a command's invokation properly. **You must always call one of them before leaving the context-manager!** These methods are: """ _write_blacklist: typing.List[int] _c: channel.ChannelIO _c2: channel.ChannelIO @staticmethod def _ctx( *, channel: channel.Channel, context: CMD_CONTEXT, host: "machine.Machine", args: Any, ) -> "typing.Iterator[RunCommandProxy]": """ Helper function for implementations. See the comment near the CMD_CONTEXT definition in this file for more details. """ with channel.borrow() as ch: proxy = RunCommandProxy(ch, context, host, args) try: yield proxy except Exception as e: proxy._cmd_context.throw(e.__class__, e) proxy._assert_end() def __new__( cls, chan: channel.Channel, cmd_context: CMD_CONTEXT, host: "machine.Machine", args: Any, ) -> "RunCommandProxy": chan.__class__ = cls return typing.cast(RunCommandProxy, chan) def __init__( self, chan: channel.Channel, cmd_context: CMD_CONTEXT, host: "machine.Machine", args: Any, ) -> None: self._proxy_alive = True self._cmd_context = cmd_context(self) self._cmd = next(self._cmd_context) self._c2 = self._c self._exc_host = host self._exc_args = args
[docs] def terminate0(self) -> str: """ Wait for the command to end **successfully**. Asserts that the command returned with retcode 0. If it did not, an exception is raised. :returns: Remaining output of the command until completion. :rtype: str """ retcode, output = self.terminate() if retcode != 0: raise tbot.error.CommandFailure( self._exc_host, self._exc_args, repr=self._cmd ) return output
[docs] def terminate(self) -> typing.Tuple[int, str]: """ Wait for the command to end. :returns: A tuple of return code and remaining output. :rtype: tuple(int, str) """ assert self._proxy_alive, "Attempting to terminate multiple times" self._c = self._c2 try: next(self._cmd_context) except StopIteration as s: retval = typing.cast(typing.Tuple[int, str], s.args[0]) assert isinstance(retval, tuple), "generator returned wrong type" else: raise RuntimeError("runctx generator didn't stop") self._proxy_alive = False self._c = CommandEndedChannel() return retval
def _pre_terminate(self) -> None: """ Mark the command as terminated. This is useful when a runctx detected that a command exited prematurely. """ self._c = CommandEndedChannel() def _assert_end(self) -> None: """Ensure that this proxy was properly terminated.""" if self._proxy_alive: raise RuntimeError( "A run-command proxy needs to be terminated before leaving its context!" )
[docs]class CommandEndedException( channel.DeathStringException, channel.ChannelTakenException ): """ The command which was run (interactively) ended prematurely. This exception might be raised when reading from (or writing to) a :py:class:`~tbot.machine.linux.RunCommandProxy` and the remote command exited during the call. You can catch the exception but after receiving it, no more interaction with the command is allowed except the final :py:meth:`~RunCommandProxy.terminate0` or :py:meth:`~RunCommandProxy.terminate`. **Example**: .. code-block:: python with"foo", "command") as foo: try: while True: foo.read_until_prompt("$ ") foo.sendline("echo some command") except linux.CommandEndedException: pass foo.terminate0() """ def __str__(self) -> str: return "Interactive command ended while attempting to interact with it."
class CommandEndedChannel( exception = CommandEndedException